An Anam Cara means in Celtic a “Soul friend” a spiritual companion or advisor.
This is who I am for those who wish me to work with them. I am deeply passionate about supporting people in the discovery of their own Soul through experiential and exciting teaching. I am here to be a mindful and encouraging guide on your unique life journey.
I love to guide you to find peace of mind with meditation. This naturally leads us to support your discovery of your energy body and help you develop a healing and empowering approach to your bio field. Then we point you to the map of your inner world where your limitless intuition is waiting to be discovered and your life changing mediumship capacity is ready to be nurtured into expansion.
I offer these services for you either in person tuition, individually, in groups and retreats, or virtually, online. These offerings bring you access to my 30 year experience of being guided by Spirit, walking between two worlds. My 25 years of active and ongoing development with many incredible world class tutors and wonderful mentors. I share my insights with compassionate encouragement, directing you towards the incredible personal transformation from living as a human being, to living as a Soul being.
Assisting you to embody the truth of being “Fully Human & Fully Divine”.

Kind Words
Self Study
Discover your intuition, your great innate strength, your deep resilience and untapped creativity, your expansive soul senses, and unfold your multidimensional life and your abilities to communicate with many realms of life.
Learn valuable mindfulness skills, develop a regular meditation practice. Anyone can nurture a practice that helps them connect more meaningfully with themselves and with others. You have all the skills within you, you can transform your life and your relationships with a regular mindfulness and meditation practice. Time to break free from old rigid thought patterns or societal conditioning and create a compassionate practice of awareness.
Start today, start within. Develop a new practice or revisit and deepen your old practice. Suitable for all.

Energy Rituals
Our energy bodies are the energetic structures that create, envelop and penetrate the cells of our physical body, vitalizing and sustaining it. Several ancient cultures have known this and taught it for thousands of years, such as in Chinese Chi Gong or the Indian Sutras which talk of our different types of prana , our subtle bodies and our energy Centres, chakras.
Join this immersive and experiential deep dive into discovering your own energy physiology and how best to maintain it, creating vitality.

Imaginal Soul
This is the start of a new life, a new chapter, an incredibly fun and inspiring pathway of more fulfilment, certainty, and clarity, Discover and develop your natural six senses; your intuition. Also discover the power of your emanate eternal and illumined Soul. Trust in the limitless potential of your Soul. This is only the beginning. Let us start together.
This is an immersive, experiential course with lots of playtime to practice to embed your knowledge and understanding. You will surprise your self and your confidence will expand in your innate intuitive abilities...

Mediumship Mastery
It is my belief that Mediumship is a potential in all, a natural capacity of everyone. It is an innate ability available for development in all humanity as part of our spiritual and biological universal evolution. Perhaps you have experienced loss and wish to connect with the spirit world to help heal your grief, or you may have experienced an intermittent intuition in your life and trust in the reality of life after death. Perhaps you have had no spooky or woowoo experiences and have completed Louise's “Being Energy” and “Imaginal Soul” courses, and have a willingness to cotinue to learn with an open curious mind on a transformational journey. If so this is where we start: creating and accessing a higher level of consciousness in your life.

Mentor Me
Since childhood I have been guided by my Spirit guides; as we all have! Beginning my intuition and mediumshio development in the traditional sense almost 30 years ago, I sat for many years in private home development circles and went on to study formally with many of the great teachers of Mediumship of today. I am heart led and focussed on creating a mindful environment of inclusivity and compassionate encouragement. I will assist you in the unfolding of your own unique lens of intuition, your psychic ability and your mediumship. I have curated my courses and mentorship for all levels and eagerly await being a part of your incredible journey.
Intuition | Imaginal Soul
“I believe in intuition & inspiration. At times I feel certain I am right without knowing the reason” - Albert Einstein
This is the start of a new life, a new chapter, an incredibly fun and inspiring pathway of more fulfilment, certainty, and clarity, Discover and develop not only your natural six senses; your intuition. Also discover the power of your emanate eternal and illumined Soul. Trust in the limitless potential of your Soul, This is only the beginning. Let us start together.
This is an immersive, experiential course with lots of playtime to practice to embed your knowledge and understanding. You will surprise your self and your confidence will expand in your innate intuitive abilities.

Mediumship Mastery - Fundamentals
“Mediumship is a natural capacity; a progression of the evolution of the Soul” - Louise Minhas
While not everyone will choose to develop to become a Medium who works professionally, everyone, I believe has the potential to deepen their communication between two worlds. From healing grief to awakening the latent Spirit within, the needs of each soul are diverse. In these unique and personally tailored development mentorships the participants will engage in a thorough, professional and life changing journey. Participate in mind expanding, encouraging and exciting lectures. Grow in a supportive and compassionate community. Enjoy experiential practical group and individual exercises to awaken, develop and evolve your mediumship. Gain a sure foundation of knowledge, depth of understanding, embody the professional standards of ethics and embody confidence as a professional medium. You will receive individualised attention, direction, feedback and opportunities to practise and hone your mediumship.

Trance Mediumship
Discover different worlds within worlds, become an explorer of the altered states and unlock the amazing potential of your infinite Spirit. Deepen your connection with your soul, enhance your life and creativity. Develop deepening supportive relationships with those Spirit Guides who watch over you. Explore a universe of potential within the oneness of life.

Get in Touch
If there isn't a suitable slot to suit your time zone please email me via the contact form booklouiseminhas@gmail.com with the title of your preferred reading and I shall endeavour to help you or put you on my waiting list.
Be sure to subscribe to our community Newsletter “Presence” for the latest dates and information on upcoming courses and events.