In this blossoming community of Presence, I want to share with you the wisdom of our Spirit Pioneers. Ultimately so we can connect to that wisdom we are guided to, within our own hearth and heart, our Soul. We will join together weekly on a Sunday for 8 weeks, and we’ll be hovering at the crossover between a Circle, a bookclub, mindfulness practice and spiritual or contemplative practice. We’ll gather together and share what the words of our pioneers of the past and present can teach us.

Reading the words of our pioneers has a special power to reach the heart, and mindfulness presence with deep listening can clear a space to enable us to receive and digest the wisdom. Letting the deep meaning and words of the world’s mystics and Spiritual Pioneers into our daily life and personal spiritual practice may offer comfort, open the mind/heart, inspire insight, or reach us where we need to connect with our innate knowing and wisdom.

I hope these friendly and relaxed meetings can help us to reach within our own heart, ignite a flame that connects us to the universal and the divine. These weekly sessions are for everyone, spiritualist or not, religious or non religious. The are intended to spark thoughts and help us reach new horizons of thoughts.
We shall begin and end each session with a group meditation.

What do you need to bring?? Yourself, a dedicated notebook would be nice, of any shape and size, ideally A5 or larger, a pen, a drink, if your space allows a candle, anything else that makes your little space cosy and a dedicated sacred space